ControlCore® Server is a framework for enabling communication and run-time visibility into & around embedded systems. It is also the host for PC applications that require communication, simulation, calibration, run-time analysis, CAN data-logging & validation with respect to embedded modules and their relevant software. Server provides some unique offerings such as Networking CAN buses using a TCP/IP pipe between geographically separated locations.
ControlCore Server's primary goals are gathering information about the supplied system, housing the system information in the form of signals, and making the information available from a variety of access points.
The ControlCore Server framework supports application building technologies through the various signal interfaces it exposes and provides interface support via:
- HTTP Interface
- TCP / SML Stream Interface
- Command-Line / Telnet Interface
- MATLAB Interface
ControlCore Server is the host process on the PC for other applications that do the following:
- Simulate hardware/software entities
- Calibration
- Analysis
- Testing & Validation
- Visualization
- Inter-server networking (virtual CAN network)
- Traffic explorer
- Information; Error & warnings
- CAN hardware & Server setup
- System Signals
- Signal list view
- Signal commands