Micro-Box for Rapid Prototying
When configured as part of a rapid prototyping system, Micro-Box is attached to a host computer running the standard MathWorks tools such as MATLAB, Simulink, xPC Target and Stateflow® (optional), operating under the Microsoft® Windows® operating system in non real-time mode. Micro-Box acts as a target PC where the user’s application runs on a real-time operating system provided by xPC Target.
Applications are built on the host PC using Simulink, with xPC Target providing blocks to connect to I/O hardware. Real-Time Workshop generates and compiles C-code modules and links them to a Dynamic Linked Library (DLL). xPC Target transforms this DLL to a real-time application and downloads it onto the Micro-Box target PC.
Micro-Box can be configured for use in functional rapid prototyping, on-target rapid prototyping, or hardware-in-the-loop testing.