Course Description
“Neural Network Made Easy : A practical approach
with NeuroSolutions” is a one-day hands-on workshop
that focus on fundamental concepts and
techniques for analysis and design of neural
computation as an approach to intelligent problem
solving. A great feature of the course is that the
teaching material will illustrate practical graphical
neural network development tools (NeuroSolutions)
that enable you to easily create a neural networks
model from your data. The course also illustrate the
process of building of
neural network directly
from Excel that simplifies
and enhances the process
of getting data into
and out of a neural network.
Candidtate must have experience with
basic computer operations.
Course Outline:
√ Fundamental Principles of Neural Network
o Overview of neural network architectures and training
o When to use and why should you use neural network
√ Neural Network Simulation Environement using NeuroSolutions.
o Overview of Breadboards, palettes,families, etc.
o The Neural Wizard
o Overview of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP); Nonlinear extensions to linear adaptive systems
o Tips and tricks of the trade: Setting the MLP parameters
o Applications of MLPs
o Creating, training and testing the neural networks
o Using Probes on training process and results
o Setting of the network paramenters
√ Bulding Neural Network from Excel Data.
o Preprocessing and analyzing your input data.
o Data Tagging
o Creating the neural network
o Training the neural network
o Testing the neural network
o Analyzing your results
o Optimizing the neural network paramenters / inputs
Who Should Attend
Engineer, researchers and scientists who want to sharpen their fundamentals understanding of the basic idea of neural network concepts and methodology and learn how to design and build neural network with a graphical neural network development tool to solve real-world problems.
Course Benefits
Upon the completion of the course, the participants should be able to understand the basic concepts and principles of AI neural networks. They should also be able to design a neural network to solve a particular problem.