What's New in The Unscrambler X version 10.2

The latest version has a range of new functions and usability improvements to make analysis data even easier.
Improvements and additions:
- The Import Interpolate function has been included in some of the vendor-specific imports. This allows data to be combined into a single table if the starting and ending points are slightly different from each other.
Recalculate With New is added as a new feature to PCA, PCR, PLS, which allows the addition of new data to an existing model.
- Improvements have been made in the way ASCII and Excel files are imported.
- Three new vendor specific imports have been included:
. rap-ID
. Visiotec
- Export of DeltaNu files formats is now available.
Digital signatures have been added to File - Security for enhanced data integrity purposes.
A completely new implementation of the Orthogonal Signal Correction function has been made based on Tom Fearn's algorithm.
An Interpolation function has been added to Tasks - Transform.
A new algorithm for Quantile Normalization has been added to Tasks - Transform.
Mean, Min and Max plots have been added to Tasks - Descriptive Statistics for better data visualization.
Validation scores and leverages have been added to PCA, PCR and PLS.
Inclusion of validation residuals added to PCR, PLS and MLR.
- Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR) has been added to the Tasks - Analyze menu.
Prediction using SVMR models is now provided in the Tasks - Predict menu.
Contingency Analysis has been added to Tasks - Analyze - Statistical Tests.
Plots have been added to the analysis node of Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machine Classification
Compliance Mode has been added as an installation option for those organizations that must meet the requirements of electronic signature and records handling.
Block Weighting has been added as a new weighting option in the dialog boxes of PCA, MLR, PCR, PLS, SVMR, LDA, L-PLS, SVMC and is also available as an option in Tasks - Transform - Weights.
Q-Residuals are now available at 6 levels of significance.
The Discard Residuals option has been added to PCA, PCR and PLS to help reduce the size of the models by removing the large 3-D matrices associated with X-residuals.
The Search option in Help has been optimized to include the following search features,
. Match All
. Match Any
. Match Exact
Q-Residuals are now available for analyses performed using the NIPALS algorithm.
A function to show the Support Vectors is available for plots in SVMC and SVMR.
Blocking of Designs has been added to Full Factorial designs in the DoE module.
Inclusion of up to 35 design variables in Plackett-Burman designs
Design, response, and non-controllable variables are given in the same table for easier analysis | |