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Training on
Real-Time Control Design
from Computer Simulation to Hardware Implementation
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
27 & 28 JAN 2021 |
"" Tell me and I will forget,
show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand.",
from mathematical modelling to Real Time Hardware implementation ..." |
Designing a control system is a creative process
involving a number of choices and decisions. These choices depend on the properties of the system that is to be controlled and on the requirements that are to be satisfied by the controlled system. The decisions imply compromises between some of the requirements. It is therefore crucial to derive useful mathematical models of systems, signals and the performance requirements. For the success of a control system design, the depth of understanding of the dynamical properties of the
system and the signals often is more important than the a priori qualifications of the particular design method.
Today's engineering students are learning differently. They are no longer content with extended theoretical lectures, preferring instead to get their hands dirty with more practical applications of knowledge which better relate to real-life. In the case of controls
learning and research, the old adage still rings true, " Tell me and I will forget,
show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand." Students are keen to have a better grasp of control theory, but to do this they need specially-designed equipment capable of bringing real-world phenomena inside the classroom.
Course Objectives
“Real-Time Control System Design to Implementation” is a two-days hands-on course that focus on practical
concepts and techniques for control system design and analysis from first principal system modeling through the hardware implementation. The aim is to present an overview on challenges and bridging the gaps between control learning from the laboratory environment to practical research implementation. Case Studies and hardware illustration will be cover in details by the course leader throughout the session.
Course Benefits
Upon the completion of the course, the participants should be able to gain working knowledge on the
fundamental techniques for control design support each stage of the development process, from plant modeling, controller designs to deployment through automated code
generation into various hardware implementation.
Course Outline
Challenges in Control Design Teaching and Research
Understanding Real-Time Control Prototying
• Hardware in the loop (HIL) Concept
• Creating a Real Time Testing environment
• Interfacing with Real-Time System Hardware
• Access and controlling HIL Applications
• Tuning Parameters, monitoring signals and acquiring data.
Creating Plant Models
First Principal : Mathematical Approach
System Identification of dynamic systems
Physical System-Level Modeling
Case Studies 1:
Position Control of a DC Servo Motor
Speed Control of a DC Servo Motor
Controller Design using Root Locus
Design of PI controller using SISOTOOL
Implementing PI controller in the Real-Time Systems
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Controller
Design of Fuzzy Controller for Motor Speed Control
Simulation of Fuzzy controller
Implementing Fuzzy Logic in the Real-Time systems
Case Study 2: Rotary Inverted Pendulum
DC Motor Physical Modeling
Rotary Invert Pendulum physical modeling
Physical Modeling Simulation
Swing up and Balancing Control
Mathematical Model
Model Linearization
LQR Balancing controller design
Energy swing up controller design
Up-right balancing control design
Deployment into Real-Time Systems
Sample research application of other real-time testing environment
Summary and Conclusion

Who Should Attend
Researchers, Lecturers, Scientists, Engineers and Managers from the academic, manufacturing, government and defense
sectors who want to use or plan to use Control System design, and to learn the fundamental knowledge in Real-time Control System from modeling to implementation.
Note: Due to the nature of the course, learning expectations and hardware setup, the availability seats are limited. You need to register early to obtain confirmation of your space. |
Sign Up Now! |
27 & 28 JAN 2021
@ Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
10 % Early Registration Discount before 27 DEC 2020
10 % Group Discount for 3 pax or more
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