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Training on
Uncover Design of Experiments (DoE)
Understanding variation to experimental design
Solutions 4U Training Center @ Puchong
19 & 20 JAN, 2021 |
" understand applicability and concept of DOE in details
followed by analysis and interpretation of
in a simple and understandable manner ..." |
Scientists and Engineers no longer can afford to
experiments in a trial-and-error manner, changing one factor at a time, the way Edison have done in
developing the light bulb. A far more effective method is to apply a computer-enhanced, systematic
approach to experimentation, one that considers all factor simultaneously. This approach is known as
Design of Experiments (DoE), and corporations across the globe are adopting it as a cost effective way to solve serious problems afflicting to their
DoE provides information about the
interaction of factors and the way the total system works, something not obtainable through testing one factor at a time while holding other factor constant. Another advantage of DoE is that it shows how
interconnected factors respond over a wide range of values, without requiring the testing of all possible values directly.
Course Benefits
This 2 day course intends to meet the needs of
professionals, engineers and researcher, begins with the fundamentals of Design of Experiments (DoE) methods and continues with concepts, principles and requirements. Topics include full factorial designs,
fractional factorial designs, screening designs, the
response surface methodology and reliability DOE., with
intensive, hands-on training using latest software tools.
Carefully selected course exercises and application
examples provide participants with Theory-to-Skills Building knowledge transfer, enabling them to achieve
proficiency in applications development.
Highly interactive workshop with practical examples and exercises to understand applicability and concept of DOE in details followed by analysis and
interpretation of results in a simple and
understandable manner. Statistical software Design Expert will be used during the workshop
Course Outline
- Basic Statistical Concepts
- Concept of variation
- Normal distribution & probability using standard normal curve
- Hypothesis testing concepts
- Basic statistical test
(z-test, t-test, 2-t-test & ANOVA)
- Design of Experiments
- The Experimental Design Process
- Screening and Optimization designs.
- Terminologies of DoE
- Basic Principles of DoE
- Selection of appropriate designs
- Factorial Designs
- Full Factorial designs at two level (2K)
- Fractional Factorial Design (2K-P)
- Phenomenon of Confounding
- Understanding of Centre-Point, Blocking & Randomization
- Analyzing of DoE Results
(Significant Factors, Main Effect, Interacton Effects, Residuals)
- Prediction Equation and Optimizing Response
- Plackett Burman Screening Design
- Response Surface Designs
- Central Composite Designs
- Box Behnken Designs
- Hands-on Exercises

Who Should Attend
The courses have been designed for individuals:
Involved in R&D, product development, process
optimization, quality control & monitoring.
Professional scientists, researchers, improvement engineers and managers involved in quality
engineering, S.Q.C / SPC, production, Laboratory and quality assurance and regulatory affairs.
Math skills, knowledge of basic statistics. No prior knowledge of Design-Expert is required to attend this program.
Note: Due to the nature of the course and the learning expectations, the availability seats are limited. You need to register early to obtain confirmation of your space. |
19 & 20 JAN, 2021 @ MY
Venue : Solutions 4U Training Center @ Puchong
10 % Early Registration Discount before 19 DEC
10 % Group Discount for 3 or more from same organization
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