Concentration of mineral nitrogen in the 0-15-cm and 15-30-cm soil layer after application of various residue types and amounts. Symbols indicate measured values and lines indicate values simulated with two different models
Arjan Gijsman
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT),
Cali, Colombia

Simulated and observed biomass (kg/ha) of grass tops under a mowing regime of six and nine weeks (respectively, full line and dashed line) and measured biomass (symbols). The bars indicate the daily precipitation (mm/d).
Arjan Gijsman
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT),
Cali, Colombia

Pooled data (A) from 3 acutely dissociated MnPO neurons loaded with GTP-g-S show calcium current (peak component) plotted as percentage of control (average of first three responses) vs. time. NE evoked irreversible inhibition of calcium current. Inset in B represents net NE sensitive calcium current. Second NE application induced significantly smaller effect (C). (D) Time course of calcium current amplitudes before and during N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, 50µM) treatment. Individual traces from this neuron are shown in E with insets being net NE sensitive currents. (F) Pooled data from 6 neurons show significant attenuation of NE (30µM) induced inhibition of peak calcium currents caused by NEM
Miloslav Kolaj, Ph.D.
Loeb Research Institute,
725 Parkdale Avenue,
Ottawa, On, K1Y 4E9

The vertical distribution of the mesopelagic hydromedusa Colobonema sericeum from video observations using the ROV Ventana, 1990-1999. © MBARI 2001 Kevin A. Raskoff, Ph.D.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

David L. Rowney, Statistician
U. C. Berkeley, Center for Biological Control, Insect Biology
219 Wellman Hall #3112, Berkeley, CA 94720-3112

Stimulus-response relationship defined previously to each pharmacological study. Two stimulus-response studies (to 25, 50, 75, and 100 gram of Uterine Cervical Distension [UCD] each) were averaged to define the individual > 75% maximum traction EMG response. A represents a printout of a typical EMG trace of one stimulus-response study, B the graph and analysis of all 112 studies (two stimulus-response studies per each single animal). Note: at the y-axis the raw, not the ? EMG activity is presented. Results are presented as median ± the 25th and 75th percentiles.
Andreas Sandner-Kiesling, MD
Department of Anesthesiology,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine,
Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157

A represents a printout of a typical EMG trace of one cumulative dose response study. B: After two baseline UCDs (B1 and B2, averaged for later analyses and data presentation) saline was applied IV in a cumulative manner (numbers present ml) at 5-min intervals. After the final dose, naloxone (NLX), 1 mg/kg, was administered IV. Results are presented as line plots showing each individual rat (thin lines) plus the median (bold line).
Andreas Sandner-Kiesling, MD
Department of Anesthesiology,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine,
Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157