SYSTAT has every statistical procedure you need
Import of numerous file formats like Microsoft Excel™, SAS®, SPSS®, Minitab, StatView, Stata, Statistica, JMP, BMDP™, Arc View®, S-Plus , dBASE®, ODBC, text file and more
Systat General Features which have been added and enhanced in the latet version of the release
SYSTAT can produce for you attractive graphs quickly and conveniently
SYSTAT is a powerful statistical software that has every statistical procedure you need to carry out efficient statistical analysis of your data.
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Science Magazine Review: Program in Transition

Program in Transition

SYSTAT is a comprehensive, but compact, statistical package for Windows. Targeted at non-novice users, its statistics and distinctively strong graphics are versatile, reliable and well-integrated for exploratory data analysis. Almost all of the analyses can be performed using interactive menus. All are accessible by command files and a BASIC-like programming language.

Systat 10.2 is a minor update released in September 2002, the first since version 10 was released two years ago. New statistical procedures in the program include ridge and rank regressions, post-hoc tests for repeated measures ANOVA, n-tile and percentile options for descriptive statistics, and basic statistics within cross-tabulation cells (not yet available via menus). Other enhancements include an external version of its FEdit editor for command files, direct import of Excel and BMD worksheets, and compatibility with Windows 2000, 9x, and NT. A downloadable demo version provides a 30-day trial.

The new regression procedures are the biggest news of this update. Each has a chapter in the Systat 10.2 manuals, which are otherwise little changed . Descriptions are included in the package in printed and .pdf formats and as excerpts in the program's comprehensive help screens. The new chapters covering regression are short and anonymous, unlike the Systat tradition of named authors and chapters which are semi-tutorial and sometimes opinionated. Only one new literature citation appears. Guidance for usage would be especially helpful for ridge regression - this is a method for multi-collinear datasets which is still somewhat controversial (e.g. R. Gunst, Technometrics (42)80-86, 2000). The worked ridge example uses data similar to the familiar Longley dataset. However, the example output is egregiously inconsistent and doesn't match the program output, even after one corrects the inappropriate printed lambda parameter range. The rank regression example is consistent.

This update is the first release since Systat was sold in April 2002 by SPSS to Cranes Software International. Cranes has significant programming/ statistical expertise, and experience supporting and marketing statistical software in India. With its acquisition of Systat and related products TableCurve and Peakfit from SPSS, Crane created a U.S. company, Systat Software Inc., with offices near San Francisco and an active support site, The company also set up an independent forum at for discussing enhancements for the upcoming version 11 of Systat (register in class "s52624s26").

Systat's original architect, Leland Wilkinson, has posted at that although he will stay with SPSS, he retains considerable interest in Systat and was actively involved in its sale to Crane. Systat's large range of statistics (no add-ons offered), its reliability and its strong graphics are all attractive and a relative bargain. Its future development is now especially dependent upon user feedback.

Reviewer Information
Ronald Goldthwaite
Dept. of Psychology
U.Calif., Davis
Phone 530 752 6532 or (most often) 408 866 5224 (this is not published, but necessary in the event of emergency)

Dr. Kevin Ahern, Contributing Editor, Science Magazine
Program Director
Sloan Professional Masters Program
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Voice - 541-737-2305

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