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Results You Can Trust, a Price You Can Afford
Systat Software proudly introduces SYSTAT 13, the latest advancement in desktop statistical computing.
SYSTAT is a versatile and comprehensive statistical software package. It employs a staggering range of powerful techniques to help conduct many types of research.
Novice statistical users can use SYSTAT’s menu-driven interface to conduct simple analyses and produce beautiful 2D and 3D graphics for presentations or reports.
Those in need of advanced analysis can use SYSTAT’s more sophisticated statistical routings, and create plots and charts that are instantly ready for publication. SYSTAT’s menu and command interfaces are interlinked, allowing users the option of whichever method works best for them.
SYSTAT 13 is quicker, sturdier and more robust than any of its predecessors. Newly improved data handling functionality allows the software to process larger data sets, at speeds faster than ever before...and SYSTAT 13 is fully compatible with the new Microsoft Windows 7 operating system!

SYSTAT 13 Offers All the Statistical Computing Power That Researchers Need
Not only does SYSTAT offer common procedures like Linear Regression, Analysis of Variance and Non-parametric Tests, but you will also find advanced methods like Mixed Model Analysis, Advanced Regression (e.g. Robust, Non-linear, Partial Least Squares, etc.) and Response Surface Methods, all of which are available in SYSTAT’s base package.

SYSTAT 13 introduces the following new statistical methods:
- ARCH & GARCH Models in Time Series
- Best Subsets Regression
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Environment Variables in Best Statistics
- Polynomial Regression
- Enhancements to existing methods such as ANOVA, Bootstrapping, Crosstabulation, Fitting Distributions,
Hypothesis Testing and more!
SYSTAT Makes Your Work Smooth and Easy
Few things are as aggravating as having your research software’s license expire just before you finish your work. SYSTAT stand-alone and network products are available with perpetual licenses. That means no hidden time-bombs, nothing to get between you and your work!
That’s not the only way SYSTAT makes your job easier. You can customize almost any aspect of the software, from the menu and toolbar configuration to the default appearance and style of your output. Creating custom command files lets you run analyses and produce graphs on different data sets instantly.
Also, SYSTAT 13 has been engineered to handle even larger datasets than before. SYSTAT 13 computes statistical methods up to 10 times faster than older versions on most problems.
Here are some more features we added with SYSTAT 13 to make your life easier:
- A New, Flicker-free Data Editor with Easy Navigation Tools and Drag-and-drop Entry
- Autocomplete and Token Dialog Functionality
- New Graphics Control Features That Allow More Detailed Control Over Appearance
- SYSTAT’s Comprehensive Help Files
- A New Tabbed Worspace Layout Allowing Easier Navigation
- and so much more!