• | Hypothesis tests for ARCH effects: Well-known McLeod and Lagrange Multiplier tests are provided
for this purpose.
• | Estimation of ARCH and GARCH model parameters by different implementations (BHHH, BFGS, and
Newton-Raphson) of the maximum likelihood method with various options for convergence criteria.
• | Forecasts for error variances using the parameter estimates.
• | The Jarque-Bera test for normality of errors.
• | SYSTAT 13 finds best models (choice of predictors) for a given number of predictors, the number
varying from one to the total number available in the data set.
• | The best model is identified by various criteria such as R2, Adjusted R2, Mallow’s Cp, MSE, AIC, AICC
and BIC.
• | SYSTAT 13 then offers to carry out a complete regression analysis on the data set chosen by the
user (same as the training set or different) on the best model selected by any of the criteria.
• | CFA can be used to test the postulated factor structure based on a priori knowledge about the
relationship between the observed (manifest) variables and the latent variables.
• | With CFA, SYSTAT allows users to specify the observed variables, a set of latent variables, and their
variance-covariance structure.
• | A path diagram can be used to specify the hypothesized model.
• | SYSTAT 13 estimates the parameters of the CFA model using one of the following estimation options:
Maximum likelihood, Generalized least-squares, and Weighted least-squares.
• | SYSTAT 13 provides a wide of variety of goodness-of-fit indices to measure the degree of
conformity of the postulated factor model to the data. Some of the well-known indices provided are:
Goodness-of-Fit Index (GIF), Root Mean Square Residual (RMR), Parsimonious Goodness-of- fit Index
(PGFI), AIC, BIC, McDonald’s measure of Certainty, and Non-normal Fit Index (NNFI).
• | The order of the polynomial can be up to 8.
• | Besides fitting polynomials in standard forms, SYSTAT 13 provides orthogonal polynomial regression.
• | SYSTAT 13 reports goodness-of fit-statistics (R2 and adjusted R2) and ANOVA with p-values for all
models, starting from the order specified by the user, down to linear (order = 1).
• | SYSTAT 13 provides confidence and prediction interval plots along with estimates, and a plot of
residuals versus predicted values, as Quick Graphs.