EON Server Benefits
EON Server Benefits


EON Sales Assistant™ is a Virtual Sales Arena

  • Active customer participationEON reality
  • Interactive selection and co-operation in the sales process
  • Visual communication
  • Selection and customization of the product
  • A sense of control in sales and customer
  • Engagement of the customer in a mental and
    physical experience
  • Excitement & Satisfaction with the serviceEON reality
  • 3D Interactive metaphor that communicates the specific offer
  • Eye catching attraction to the product
  • Capability to interact, explore and configure the
    virtual product
  • Opportunity to differentiate from the competition
  • Provides the sales team with a better sales tool
  • Influences customers’ emotions and behavior

The EON Sales Assistant™ Workflow

The first step is to import the CAD models using the EON CAD tool. EON CAD has over 55 formats including native: CATIA, Maya, UG, pro/E, Microstation etc. The tool provides also gap healing, automated normal correction, and geometry/surfaces reduction. The second step is to add the data in the product management database using the Administration tool. The data includes product list features, pricing information, product linking, accessory management and all company information.
The final step is to design the customer user interface and the selection based personalized brochure.


MY Office : 72-3C, JALAN PUTERI 2/4, BANDAR PUTERI, 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR, Malaysia. Tel:+603-8063 9300 fax:+603-8063 9400
SG Office : 259, Onan Road, Singapore 424651. Tel: +65-6468 3325 Fax: +65-6764 5646